Radix - Type II Safety Helmet - The Future

Radix - Type II Safety Helmet - The Future

Posted by Jonathon Miles Horn on 26th Feb 2024

Whether you order it vented, or non vented doesn't matter.  One color or two tone.  There is no way around it.  Type II safety helmets will be required by OSHA coming soon.  It's always better to get ahead of the curve.  I believe the last big event with hard hats was having employees make sure their hard hats were within life compliance of 3-5 years or less.   After that you will need a replacement.  Some of the new hard hats raised the distance between head and hard hat carriage to allow for higher impact ratings from above.  Anything with metal on it, loses its Class E rating for electrical work.  Now, tree climbing helmet styles have come up in desirability, and they are featured with ball cap and full brim styles.  This Radix Type II is a little bit of everything.  What's the big difference?  That's the real question.  Every hard hat before this, is different.  It was all Type I.  Type II are rated for side impact, and the inside of the helmet is filled with with safety cushion material that comes around the sides to protect you should something be shot out, and cause a side impact.  Despite that, they do a heck of a great job fitting it to be low profile.  Just one additional safety precaution, and that means keeping your workers in the game.  The Radix Type II hard hat comes with safety chin straps, each and every one.  You can purchase a 340 lumen light that clips in on the front, and on the rear of the hard hat.  You can also purchase safety eye wear that clips on, and cap mount style ear muffs.  This is all available from Lift, which means it will all be available to you through Sierra Safety Company. Come by our store and you can take a look at our sample on the dummy.  We don't stock it yet, but it's coming soon.