Make Sure You Are As Protected As Possible From Fire

Make Sure You Are As Protected As Possible From Fire

Posted by Miles Horn on 21st Oct 2021

In the Sierra Foothills of California we are impacted by fires on a regular basis that seems to be increasing in closeness to major cities and neighborhoods damaging structures and burning up properties.  If you're a homeowner it means clearing brush from your fence lines and creating a good clear perimeter around your home.  It means having some Fire Extinguishers at home in case its faulty wiring or something in your own home that is the cause this time.  If you're a business owner it means having clearly designated Fire Exit Route signs for your personnel.  Something visible from both sides of a hall that can be legible.  Make sure Fire Extinguisher locations are clearly marked, and their location regularly discussed with personnel.  If you have fumes, gas, or chemicals that are flammable please buy a cabinet that is safe for their storage, and make sure they are clearly in a designated area marked "No Smoking, No Open Flame."  We want to help prevent dangerous fire related situations from happening.  Protect your homes and businesses.  Let us help you find what you need to do it.